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Quick Start

Call process

Once you have successfully logged in and get your tokens, you can execute a request.
To remove the background, we prepared a default request that takes a jpeg image up to 5MB and returns the result in time depending on the size of the photo and the current traffic. You can authorize your token by passing the Authorization header with the prefix Bearer.

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
Authorization JWT_TOKEN
JPEG MAX size 5 MB

To do this, you have to send POST request to:
with an image in the Body.

Example Postman

Example Bash

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer FAKE_JWT_TOKEN' \
--header 'Content-Type: image/jpeg' \
--data-binary '@/C:/Users/.../car1.jpg'

In response, you will receive your beautiful car without a background.

Configuration modes

By using different configuration modes, you can achieve various effects on the processed image. To create your own configuration, please see configuration Basics section.

Address + Configuration Name{configurationName} 
Several predefined background removal modes have been already prepared:

Predefined configurations

System contains some default COnfiguration You can use out of the box Default Configurations section.