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Single vs Multiple


The Single processor allows processing of a single image to cut out the background and replace it with the selected platform. The procedure involves uploading a single image, after which the processor cuts out the background, eliminating unnecessary elements. Then, a selected platform is placed in its place. The Single processor makes it possible to effectively and quickly make changes to the background of a photo, which is useful for personalizing and customizing an image.


Multi Processor is an advanced tool that allows you to treat a group of uploaded images as a coherent whole. The processors level the car to make the rotation of the car in the viewer smooth. There is also more background in the Multi Processor, this is due to the fact that for many images, the scale of the car is determined based on all the frames from the spin instead of one, which means that adjusting the position of the wheels on a designated area of the ground so that they do not go beyond this area is taken together for all the frames of the spin. To be more precise, the degree of scaling of all frames in the spin is matched to the scale of the frame that requires the most downward scaling, so as to make sure that no frame leaves the designated area on the ground (e.g. on the platform) with the wheels. This is used in the PlaceCarComputeProcessor and AnchoringComputeProcessor.

Single vs Multiple

