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Synchronous Endpoint and Asynchronous Endpoint

Swagger documentation can be found here.

Synchronous Endpoint

Synchronous query is a process in which a client initiates sending a request to the server and waits for a complete response before proceeding with its actions. During this waiting period, the execution thread is blocked, indicating that further operations or interactions by the client are suspended until the server provides a full response. It is worth noting that in the case of synchronous queries, the client must actively wait for the completion of the operation before taking further steps. More inforamation here.

Asynchronous Endpoint

Asynchronous processing entails the client submitting a set of images for processing, and we, in turn, notify the client when the process is completed. For this purpose, a URL address is required, where the client can make queries to obtain feedback regarding the completion of the processing process. More inforamation here.