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It is used to change the aspect ratio or resolution of the resulting image. If the input image does not have enough width or height, the missing area will be replaced by a margin in the selected color. This will adjust the output image to the required size.

  • background - starts with #; color set as #RRGGBB. It is used when the input image does not have enough width or height, then the missing area is replaced with this color, by default #080808,
  • aspectRatio - Format N:M; in range 4/9, 5/1 or original. The output image will be converted to these aspect ratio. If the original, the aspect ratio of the image will not be changed, by default 4:3,
  • width - Value from 100 to 8192 or -1. Defines the width of the resulting image. If no value is specified or a negative value is specified, the width of the car is automatically calculated based on the input image, by default -1,
  • height - Value from 100 to 8192 or -1. Defines the height of the resulting image. If no value is specified or a negative value is specified, the height of the car is automatically calculated based on the input image, by default -1,
Example of usage

        "processorName": "DetectCarMaskProcessor"
        "processorName": "ChangeAspectRatioOrResolutionProcessor",
        "background": "#080808",
        "aspectRatio": "4:3",
        "width": 1000,
        "height": 1000

Example result