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Single processing

It is used to process single photo.

HTTP response statuses

  • 200 success,
  • 400 when you send a distorted image file,
  • 412 when there is no car in the photo you will get this error with the message "Car not found in the image.", the original image is returned,
  • 415 when you send unsupported file types,
  • 422 image processing error, please double check input image and processor parameters,
  • 429 when you send too many requests at once (only when Throttling Parameter details).

Process photo - jpeg file as a result

  • configurationName Name of one of default configuration, your own configuration or decision-making configuration
  • ?throttling=true Throttling supported details
  • body Jpeg Image max file size 14MB
Example Postman

Example Bash
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: FAKE_JWT_TOKEN' \
--header 'Content-Type: image/jpeg' \
--data-binary '@/C:/Users/.../car1.jpg'
In response

Process photo - details as a result

In results there is a json with urls and processing properties (check response below).

  • configurationName Name of one of default configuration or your own configuration or decision-making configuration
  • throttling=true Throttling supported details
  • body Jpeg Image max file size 14MB
In response
    "index": 0,
    "photo": "https://carsca[...]70b1556",
    "mask": "https://carsca.[...]c017660",
    "properties": {
        "image_quality_score": {
            "darkness": 1.0,
            "brightness": 0.82,
            "blurred": 1.0
        "segmentation_score": 0.40768818438740423

Throttling Parameter

Some of the process urls supports throttling parameter.
During high traffic on the server, the response time can increase. If you want to check that the processing time of the photo does not exceed about 30 seconds, use ?throttling=true. If the waiting time is shorter, the image will be processed according to the requested configuration. If the waiting time in the queue exceeds about 30 seconds, error 429 is returned immediately. This command can only be used for single configuration.


Additional information

For additional documentation please check process.